
Since March 31, 1776; Abigail Adams the wife of the Founding Father of John Adams once said, "Remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation."
Women's rights have been a major part of history, from Susan B. Anthony who allowed us to put in our vote to Sojourner Truth who inspired the Abolition Movement and other women who've paved the way for women to have jobs, income of our own and the ability to create and invent businesses and ideas to allow our country to flourish. We are not in the pre-historic age and even if YOU wanted that, your ideology would harm our future economy. According to US Census 2020, we now have over 330 Million people in the United States and over 50% of them are Women and Girls. When you ban abortion and it doesn't matter if it's 1 state or half of the country, here's what will happen to our country when women are without options to reduce unplanned pregnancies; hospital having to care of pregnant mothers, newly born infants and a shortage of hospital staff to care for them that also includes mothers with high risk pregnancies would soon be at a higher rate for death. You would leave a single mother for her children to be orphaned or thrown in the Foster Care system.
Remember, not everyone is married with children and even with a two parent household, they can't even keep up with the financial obligations. Some two parent household also have to work overtime or two jobs just to make ends meet. So, when you are making a callous accusation that these companies are supporting to 'Kill these babies' which is what you fought so hard to prevent, but didn't do your homework on economics. You also didn't consider that these companies need employees and the owners to be present in order to contribute to society. The Catholic Church alone in the United States do not believe in alternative contraceptives, yet they never stop to wonder how women are able to reduce the amount of children they have birthed? Instead of having 12 to 18 children in one household, majority of the Catholic household can handle no more than 5 or 6, that's more than half of what our earlier generations could conceive. When you don't offer alternative solutions to allow women to have the option to reduce unplanned pregnancies, what other options do we have? Everything we have in this country to make us function the way we do is because we allowed women to reduce the amount of unwanted pregnancies so they can work, provide for their children to keep them from being in Foster Care or in the Government System. If you can't care of the unwanted children that we currently have, which is estimated to be more than 400,000 then you shouldn't offer a solution you can't fix. If the Pandemic didn't teach you that the inflation was manifested from that, then I feel very disturbed. You have now affected our future economy.
Thank you,
Chong N. Kim, 2022